Individual and Couples Counseling Austin
Creating the Love You Want
Marriage and relationship counseling is our forte and passion. Our focus is helping couples create the marriage they really want. About 70 percent of the people we work with come to us for help with their relationships as an alternative to marriage therapy. One of the questions we’re most frequently asked is, “How do you work?” The simple answer is that relationship counseling is about creating trust. Our aim in couples coaching is for people to feel understood, encouraged, and respected. We encourage you to come in for an initial counseling session, experience how we interact with you, and notice how helpful our information is for you. The intent of the first session is for you to you experience great insight. Expect to leave with a much improved understanding of the problems that have held you back and clear ideas of what it will take for you to create the love you seek. We help you uncover and correct ineffective beliefs about relationships and implement tools that will work for you and will become permanent in your life. David Cantu is a life coach and marriage counselor, Carrie Manongdo is a Life Coach, neither of us is a Marriage Therapist, nor a psychologist. We offer an alternative to marriage therapy. Janai Bryant is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW), certified in Texas and is also a life coach.
Questions? Call or Email Today
Couples Counseling Austin – Your first session very likely will have a strong and positive impact on your relationship. Whether you’re dealing with communication problems, infidelity, a controlling partner, or affair recovery, we can help. The initial session for couples is 80 minutes and we offer it at a discounted rate. For individuals the initial session is 50 minutes. See marriage counseling rates page here. For questions or to schedule a session call (512) 653-4316 or E-Mail Marriage Counselor Austin.
Following is a sampling of marital coaching ideas we teach and encourage you to practice.
Quite often the mistake we make in relationships is that we assume the attitude “I’m right and if you will only listen to me and do what I say, then all our problems will go away.” In other words, we tend to blame our difficulties on the other person. The most effective alternative is responsibility. We are far more effective in creating the love we want by first asking ourselves “What am I doing that makes our partnership more difficult?” Another assumption we frequently make that’s not helpful is “I’ve done everything possible and nothing works with my spouse. He just doesn’t get it!” A far better perspective is “I haven’t been effective, how can I be different, and what can I do to create a better result?”
Self Acceptance
A second belief system we frequently encounter in people is feelings of worthlessness. Somewhere in life you, or your partner, accepted the notion that you weren’t valuable or lovable. As a result, you may feel put down or abused in a relationship. You may even have a history of choosing emotionally or physically abusive partners. Creating self-confidence and believing in your inherent value is crucial to a loving marriage. We can help you accomplish this important realization with marital counseling and coaching.
We Offer You Much More
You will be introduced to many other helpful ideas in a marital coaching session. Expect to feel heard, understood, appreciated and inspired. The video to the left is of a couple David worked with in 2010: Michael and Michelle. In it they share a simple idea that can help a couple create greater connection and appreciation for one another, I hope you enjoy it!
Information on relationship & pre-marital workshops.
Read some of my articles on:
Living a Happy Life.
Personal Growth.
Also see: Counseling Approach.
To see our rates go to the fees page.